The objective of the pre-trial hearing is to shorten the actual trial time without infringing upon the rights of either party. 预审程序的目的在于缩短实际审理的时间而不侵犯双方当事人的权利。
Hearing my daughter speak for the first time was music to my ears. 听到女儿第一次开口说话,对我来说那真是好消息。
Where a party concerned fails to present the statements or pleadings, or to request for organizing of a hearing within the prescribed time limit, that party shall be deemed to have waived the relevant rights. 当事人逾期未提出陈述、申辩或逾期未要求组织听证的,视为放弃有关权利。“虚假陈述”是一种对不真实事实的陈述。
Now that's some tough love, but I'm sick and tired of hearing "no time" as an excuse for why you can't be great. 爱之深责之切吧,现我已经十分厌倦听到以“没有时间”作为自己为何不足够强大的借口。
The bulk of hearing time can then be devoted to questioning and cross-examination designed to clarify and test the witnesses 'conclusions. 这样的话,绝大部分听证的时间即可用来提问和进行反诘问,以澄清和验证证人的结论。
The reason I have left myself out of the recipe is I am constantly hearing from readers who say that every time they read my column they throw up. 我一直听到读者在说,他们每次读我的专栏文章,都要呕吐。
I get sick of hearing that music all the time. 我对整天听那音乐感到厌烦。
I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain all the time! 你没完没了地抱怨,我都听的烦死了。
They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies. time and frequency synchronization 他们用不同频率的纯音测试她的听力。时间同步与频率同步
Thank you for hearing me on time! 谢谢你们一直聆听我的心声!
Staveley seems visibly shocked by the criticism, as if she is hearing it for the first time, and dismisses it as ridiculous gossip. 听到这样的批评时,斯塔维利显得颇为吃惊,就好象这是她第一次听说此事,她驳斥这些都是纯属扯淡。
"Risk for hearing damage depends on sound level and exposure time," it said. 声明称:“听力损害威胁主要取决听音乐时的音量大小和使用时间”。
Failure of applicants and interested persons of customs administrative in raising such hearing request before prescribed time limit shall be deemed as waiver of the hearing right. 海关行政许可申请人、利害关系人逾期未提出听证要求的,视为放弃听证的权利。
The chairman may at any stage of the hearing of an appeal adjourn the hearing to a later time or date. 主席可于上诉聆讯的任何阶段,将聆讯押后至较后时间或日期。
If you share the misconception, perhaps you should consider trying out a hearing aid for a short time. 如果您也同样误解,也许您应该使用助听器一段时间。
People will feel that they are imported commodities when hearing these names at the first time, and win some customers accordingly. 这些名称初进人耳便令人觉得是进口货,借此赢得了部分顾客。
Advantages of Frequency Specific Tri-microphone Binaural Wireless Hearing Aid Technology TEOAE measurement is save time and superior in middle frequency range while DPOAE measurement is better frequency specific and superior in the higher frequency. 频率特异性三指向性麦克风在助听器中的应用结论:TEOAE测试较为快捷并有中频优势,而DPOAE则有很好的频率特异性和高频优势。
Hearing Effects of Interaural Time Differences and Intensity Differences 双耳信号时差与强度差的听觉效应
An Experimental Research on the Influence of Hearing Experience Imperfection on Time Estimation 听觉经验缺失对时距估计影响的实验研究
Research about the System of Hearing Time Limit 审限制度研究
In order to develop our country's hearing institution, we should expand the limits of hearing and participants, at the same time, adequate hearing ways should be used. 完善我国的行政听证制度,要扩大听证适用以及行政参加人的范围,并需采用适当的听证方式。
On the reform of the judicial mechanism in the retrial, we should enhance jurisdictional rank of retrial and increase transparence of retrial hearing, we should define the time limit for retrial and implement the system of court of first instance being the final in the retrial. 在再审审判机制改革中,应提高再审管辖审级、增加审理程序透明度、严格规范审理期限,并实行再审一审终审制。
Make clear the court in charge of the case for hearing and set double time limits of invariant period and longest period for litigants to apply for rehearing. 明晰再审案件的管辖法院,并对当事人申请再审设定不变期间与最长期间的双重时限。
The results of the Logistic regression showed that the time after the cochlear implant, the hearing level, the time between deaf and operation were positive correlative factors, and the auditory threshold was the negative correlative factor of language ability. Logistic回归分析结果显示植入后时间、耳聋到植入人工耳蜗时间、听觉能力情况与言语能力呈正相关,重建听阈与言语能力呈负相关。
A Discussion on Teaching Seeing and Hearing Courses to Japanese Majors in the Time of Globalization 国际化时代的日语专业视听教学
In order to increase the searching performance of robot hearing system in three-dimensional space a sound source localization and navigation system of mobile robot hearing based on time delay estimation and underdetermined speech separation is presented in this paper. 此外,为提高机器人听觉系统在三维空间中的搜索性能,本文设计了一种基于欠定盲源分离和互相关时延估计算法的移动机器人听觉导航系统。
SND is a more common disease. The clinical characteristics of the basic air conduction ( AC), bone conduction ( BC) hearing at the same time decreased. 感音神经性耳聋是一类较为常见的疾病,其临床特征基本为气导(AC)、骨导(BC)听力同时下降。